Design Meets Prosperity

In integrating Feng Shui in your house decors, it’s essential to utilize colors, lighting, and ceramics combination. By knowing the do’s and don’ts in choosing compatible colors and designs, you might attract positive energies just like in these tips:

Good energy is usually tied along the element of light. Well-lit areas are usually subject to prosperous energy, Firefly may just do the thing! Through their wide array of products ranging from Basic Series to Pro Series, good Chi is more likely to come your way.
Attracting good energy can also be achieved through natural elements. Thanks to GRM Biowood Interiors Corp . & Mariwasa Siam Ceramic Inc., mixing and matching elements won’t be that hard anymore! These brands offer a long list of choices when it comes to roofing, tiles, facade and deckings, and other helpful details for decorating.

Last, is the use of colors. It’s really just all about knowing how to balance out each shade. Good thing Pacific Paint (Boysen) has a lot of options to offer for their customers. If you’re wondering, here’s a quick guide in choosing colors:
Elements | Lucky Colors | Unlucky Colors |
Wood | Green and Red | White |
Metal | White, Gold and Blue | Red, Yellow and Orange |
Fire | Red, Yellow, and Gold | Green and Blue |
Water | Green and Blue | Red, Yellow, and Orange |
Earth | White, Red, and Brown | Green, Black, and Blue |
Happy Chinese New Year and we hope these tips from Feng Shui Expert Maxima Tiu guide you for a prosperous 2019.